
Does contractions have too?

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be 5 mins apart? like im getting these painful cramp feeling lower some time they come closer than 5 mins and sometimes a little father than 5 mins. im 39 weeks 4 days. it felt like i had to go to the bathroom which i did and they are still coming do you think this is the begging of my labor??

my doc said dont call till 5-1-1

5mins apart last 1 mins long for 1 hour.




  1. It sounds like you are going into labor, sweetie.  Get to the hospital!  Especially if it feels like you have to use the bathroom, like #2 style, yeah, I'd get in the car now.  

  2. 1] the 5-1-1 rule is a good one [ 5 minutes from start of one to start of next one; 60 seconds or one minute duration; for 1 hour.]

    2] You must go in if : [ Call the doc first. ]

    your water breaks,

    you have bleeding like a period [ not just spotting] or

    don't feel baby move.

    3] first babies especially take their time to come - so pack your bag, eat lightly [ nothing spicy or fried ] and take a nap if you can.

    4] I had contraction for WEEKS with my first - and he was two weeks overdue!

    5] real labor contractions are very uncomfortable, and require all of your attention/concentration.

  3. If you go in too early, they might send you back home.  It's a good idea to listen to the 5-1-1 your dr suggested. :)

  4. You know your body the best, so if you feel that you need to be seen then go. I was having pain every 5 to 15 min and I called the Dr and they told me to wait til they were closer together and I had my daughter 45 min later 9 min after I got to the hospital with NO DRUGS....

  5. Sounds like the beginning of labor.  Might try walking around a bit and doing some squats to help them regulate.  If the pain is unbearable, call the doc regardless.  Your contractions don't have to be regular to the second hand in order for you to dilate.  Good luck!

  6. It sounds like labor is starting but the doctor expects you to be in labor for quite a while at home.  There are 3 stages of labor and it sounds like you are in the first stage.  The doctor will want you to come in when you enter the second stage (5-1-1).  For you to be in true labor, the contractions will have a pattern of getting closer together.  Since your are varying up and down it is not quite time.  

    Good luck!!!

  7. if unsure go in. your doc is there for you you are not there for them. each woman is different. my aunt waited tell the time when her doc said go in and del her second daughter in the hallway of the hossy. what is the worst thing that can happen they make you wait a little longer or send you back home better safe then sorry

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