
Does cracking your bones... make you stop growing?

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i crack my back.. arms,,, hands.. and legs..

does that make stop growth or something?




  1. NO, when you crack your bones you are just letting air bubbles out which makes the noise when you crack them.

  2. No it does not. However when you 'crack' one of your joints it is in essence slightly disconnecting the two bones which after time causes a calcium build up which makes the joint weaker.

    Basically if you crack your knuckles, your gripping strength will dissipate. (You won't be able to open jars like you used to over time). Unfortunately doing this "might" contribute to artharites when you get older, so i don't suggest it.

    Besides, many people find it annoying.

  3. your growthplates make you grow. but it will give you big ugly joints

  4. Lol no it doesn't make you stop growing, but it can be bad for you. Cracking your bones too often puts space between your joints and can lead to arthritis and further problems in the future. Try to quit doing it --- once you completely stop for a week and keep your mind off it, you'll never feel the urge again.

  5. LOL not at all .. and I checked the old chestnut out about cracking your bones making you get athritic with my Physio and he just laughed and explained ( as another answerer has here) that the noise is just air bubbles .. and NO HARM comes about from cracking them ..  

  6. No.

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