
Does cranberry juice really help a urine infection?

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I have had urine infections since I was little but there was a period when I didnt have on for about a year, I now have one again, Ive called a doctor and Ive been given penacilin to treat it as they were the only thing that worked before, these take a few days though, is there anything extra I can do to help it along. I have a really healthy diet, I dont drink any fizzy juice whatsoever and I have a great exercise regime. Ive heard drom some poeple that cranberry juice does wonders but then others say thats not true and not to drink it. I know drinking lots of water helps and I do that but is there any over the counter supplements I can take with my penecilin and does cranberry juice help?




  1. Yes it can help :0) It's best to start when the infection hasn't gotten too bad though.

    By the "just cranberry" type of juice like the others mentioned. The sugary stuff won't help.

    They also sell cranberry pills which help in the same way.

    I dilute the "just cranberry" juice with water to make it taste better.

    You have better luck finding the good stuff at whole foods or another health food store than at your regular grocery store.

    Do you know why you get them so often? If you're into alternative meds maybe you'd be willing to try chiropractic care or hydrotherapy to get blood flowing correctly so maybe they don't come around so often.

    hope this helps

  2. Yes, Raini, cranberry juice is very helpful in preventing urinary tract infections BECAUSE it creates a climate hostile to the bacteria that cause these infections. It creates a ph difference they can't tolerate and they are killed off. Getting to it quickly is the best way to prevent or treat early UTI's

    It is also important to drink lots of water. You may also want to check and see if your body's PH balance is off. If it is too acid or alkaline medical problems result.

    Also one must be very careful in hygiene to be sure you do not allow hostile bacteria in that area- women have small ureters and bacteria can attack more easily than in men. Also be sure to urinate after intercourse to prevent bacteria from personal contact from making you get an infection. I learned this the hard way after I got married and never had another once I learned this necessity.

    I do hope your problem gets better!

  3. yes! cranberry juice really helps, along with the antibotics. you can go to the drug store and buy these little brown pills called azo natural. they are a type of anagelisic that helps with the burning when urinating. i have battled repeated urinary infections for years now. i know these things helps. good luck.

  4. Listen to the former AMA president talk about what he took for a chronic bladder infection.  The site is kind of hokey, but the audio is good.  I know people who have tried this stuff and really like it for other stuff too.


  5. As long as it's not like ocean spray cranberry juice or something similar. Those drinks contain high fructose corn syrup which, although I'm not a scientist, can't really be great for a urinary tract infection. What you want is the unsweetened cranberry juice with no preservatives that they sell in organic/health food stores. It tastes NASTY (very sour to the taste) but it's great for preventing urinary tract infections. Notice I said preventing, not treating. If you decide to try the unsweetened cranberry juice, drink it fast and pinch your nose as you drink it. Bleh. So grody.  

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