
Does crying make you feel better?

by Guest45350  |  earlier

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Does crying make you feel better?




  1. Yes, it does. Crying means allowing yourself to feel sad, depressed, homesick, angry, defeated, etc. Admitting you feel a certain way, and face it head on by crying- you're dealing with your issue, and that helps to relieve your emotions. If you push it out of your mind it can get worse, and it's not healthy. A good cry is sometimes needed, ya know?

  2. "There is a sacredness in tears.  They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.  They speak more eloquently than 10,000 tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love."

    ~ Washington Irving

    I think crying does make you feel better because your letting out all the emotions inside of your body.

  3. it depends what you´re crying of

  4. most of the time yes

  5. Crying is your body's way to relieve emotional stress.  Therefore, yes it should make you feel better.  If you don't feel better after crying, you may need to cry some more and to talk it out with someone you trust. It's important to figure out or to come to terms with the reason you are crying...

    Good luck

    In reply to the answerer below that is refering to me...somebody you trust could (and should) very well be a therapist or a doctor.  I totally agree with you.  However, talking it out with a best friend or a parent should give you an indication as to whether you should pursue your "therapy" with a professional.  

    All the best!


  6. Yes.  We should allow ourself to cry, to relieve stress, anxiety and other emotional build-ups. We can cry at weddings, graduations or births, even when laugh, emotionally stressed, sad, in physical pain or depressed.

    Allow yourself to cry!

  7. I pretty much agree with the first answerer, except to say that if you don't feel better after crying, you might need to see a doctor or a professional counsellor to help you  figure out why, because that could be a sign of depression or something similar.

    That would depend on the situation of course. If you are grieving (for example) it is best to cry, but if there is no 'reason' to be continually crying it could be the body saying 'help'!

    Crying is good for people, it's an emotional safety valve and at the least we should feel relieved after a good cry.

    Best wishes :-)

  8. We must cry whenever it's necessary like we laugh whenver it comes.Crying does makes us feel better.If laughing is necessary then cry too.

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