
Does dance can make you physically fit?

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Does dance can make you physically fit?




  1. Yes, it does, but only if you do a lot of it. One hour a week of dancing probably won't make that much difference to your fitness level, but 10 or so hours a week would. Like any type of exercise, it will only do something for you if you do enough of it. Ever seen professional ballroom/latin american  dancers? They are toned, muscled even, with enough stamina to dance through a full set of high-energy latin dances, and still have enough in them to go for a run if they had to. But that's because the best professional dancers do up to 40 hours of practice a week, which is pretty much the equivalent of 40 hours of aerobics a week. If you did 40 hours of aerobics a week you'd be really really fit, so why shouldn't the same apply to dance?

  2. yeah, i do belly dancing and it make you feel fit and good about yourself.

  3. Dance definitely will help you to get in shape, but it doesn't work out all the parts of your body so if you want to get balanced muscles you should take pilates in addition to dance.

  4. Of course!  It's aerobic activity.  Dance is HARD.  You use a lot of muscles to keep your posture, keep your frame, and move yourself in the correct line of dance.

    And it's a whole lot more fun than going to aerobics class.

  5. Hellll yeah!



    i train in dance 6 days a week for 3 hours a day and my doctor says i am alll muscle. But if you do something like step side to side in your living room once a week than no. dance is a sport, and a HARD one at that. if you are commited and are improving you will definetly stay in shape as long as you eat right as well. :D

  8. yes...but you can't actually have to DANCE=)

  9. Yes!

  10. yes, it tones your body while losing the calories. It's also fun depending on which dance form you choose.

  11. Oh yeah.

    But you have to commit to it.

  12. yup... dancing can surely make anyone physically fit...

    it helps in reducing a lot of fat and cholesterol thus making your body (especially heart) fit and healthy. different dance-forms help target special areas of the body thus making them very flexible and helps keep your muscles fit...

    moreover dancing also helps to keep you mentally fit... it keeps or distracts your attention from any tension you may have and also helps in clear and resonable thinking...


  13. Yeah if u don't cheat yourself! :)

  14. Yes.

    Dancing helps build ALOT of stamina and tones your body very nicely! I would recomend taking some hip hop classes which will build stamina and some ballet which is a huge body toner when you do bar work =) hope this helps!

  15. Yes, as the first answerer said. You must be committed and do it intensely and frequently for it to make you physically fit. Professional dancers are toned, have stamina, are flexible and are very lean.

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