
Does defense mechanism takes control of us or we are the one who takes control of it?

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Does defense mechanism takes control of us or we are the one who takes control of it?




  1. Defense mechanisms are automatic responses to a threat against us. I wouldn't say that they control you, nor that they are totally controllable. If you recognize them you will likely be able to stop, but it takes practice and if you don't realize you are doing it, it will be difficult not to.

  2. Once you become aware of your defense can begin to overcome them. If you are unaware...then you remain powerless over them.

  3. we definitely take control of it

    i mean think about it...your really in control of everything to do with u, every emotion, everything....if your mad, sad, happy its your fault you could somethin to change that. hard to explain but if you become defensive its your fault, your not being controlled! =]

  4. defense mechanism are automatic. they are unconsciously performed for the protection of the ego. when we are aware or conscious of the defense, it's no longer a defense mechanism, it's already a coping mechanism. ^_^

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