
Does depression usually start from birth, or can it be triggered?

by Guest57040  |  earlier

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Does depression usually start from birth, or can it be triggered?




  1. It becomes apparent later in life most of the time,

    it's genetic.

    If we are talking about being depressed due to a loss,

    loneliness, then that is different, both types

    can be dealt with.  It is being aware and asking for help

    , some do , some are unwilling.  Free Choice

    but the smart ones will ask for help and will reap

    the benefits.

  2. I don't think so. I think it develops when things happen in your life and you have trouble dealing with them. It can also be caused by a lot of worrying and getting upset over things.

  3. there is evidence of a genetic predisposition for depression, and there is also evidence for environmental factors as well....there are no certain facts pertaining to the causative agents for it.

  4. either or.

    usually people are predisposed to depressive episodes by genetic family history of mental illness.

    it can be triggered from trauma such as death of a beloved.

    some people have dysthemic disorder and can be depressed their entire lives. these people report that they never feel happy, but can function pretty well.

    sometimes people have clinical depressive episodes untriggered by anything.  

  5. it can happen either way. there is evidence to support a genetic predisposition to depression but for others it can be triggered by life events such as a tragedy or circumstances. many people with chronic illnesses such as heart disease, MS, Lupus and such often suffer with depression also. Sometimes it is a limited event, treatment and/or counseling may resolve it over a period of time, sometimes it is a lifelong problem for others requiring lifelong medication and/or therapy

  6. I think I had mild/moderate depression from birth but living my life with a depressive personality made me more susceptible to traumas and now I suffer from major long bouts of depression....crippled by it with no relief from "highs" because Im not bipolar.

  7. From what I have heard about it, it can start at any time.  It can happen because of a chemical imbalance in the brain, or it can be triggered as you said, and that would be by some bad experience like a death of a loved one or bad economics.  There are medicines that can help, but if the depression is from a temporary condition like a death of a loved one, it is probably better to just wait it out rather than take a risk on developing a dependence on a drug, even if it is a legal prescription drug.  That is only my opinion, it might be worth it to talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist or an MD.

  8. Depression can be caused by genetics, disease, head injury, psychological stress or drug use.

    For some people, it can seem like it came from more than one cause.

    For example: I had depression since childhood. There are other people in my family who have depression and bipolar disorder. Genetics? Very possible.

    I had a brain hemorrhage at birth. Maybe that has something to do with it as well.

    I usually was kind of a social misfit and generally had a difficult time at school and work for various reasons. That might have made a difference.  

  9. Doctor may know,ask next time you go!!

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