
Does development and pollution go hand in hand?

by Guest21169  |  earlier

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Does development and pollution go hand in hand?




  1. not necessarily, development of cleaner energy, and filtration, plus the development of cleaner running car engines.

    While early development of the industrial age was has definately added to the pollution problem.

  2. Well, yes they do.Development = waste = pollution = global warming.It's a cycle in which at the end, the Earth suffers and generally we suffer.I'm not saying development is bad, I'm just saying it's one of the causes of pollution.If there was only a way in which development could be done with less waste.Oh well...Cheers!;)

  3. A population-based nested case control study on recurrent pneumonia's in children with severe generalized cerebral.

  4. Yes, although the relationship isn't monotonic.

    Basically what happens is that at first develop starts, people start to improve their lives and in the process they end up polluting the environment but eventually the pollution starts to become a problem for them and they decide to use their now abundant resources to clean it up.

    Development does cause pollution in the early stages but eventually it also tends to result in a reduction in pollution as people become wealthy enough for a clean environment to matter (a smog filled city if it means you are fed is much better than a clean city if it means you starve but once you can depend on having food you begin to want the clean city).

  5. Yes, generally it does, the more development the more pollution. I think pollution and air quality is much more valid issue to worry about then a minimal temperature change.  

  6. Usually, yes.  Really, human life and pollution go hand in hand.  Overall, the more of us who live the more pollution we will produce.  It is up to us to do everything we can to reduce the pollution produced per person, but as things stand, the more we develop and build the more we tend to pollute the environment.

    The "usually" comes in because as some societies reach a certain level of development, at which point people have all their basic needs met, the government and people begin to concern themselves more with environmental preservation.  Nowadays, in the U.S., we are doing a much better job of reducing  the extent to which we are polluting our environment (although there is still a lot of room for improvement, and part of the reason for the reduced pollution is that a lot of our manufacturing is done overseas.)  

    In order to have a higher standard of living we tend to require more goods.  To have the freedom of movement that Americans enjoy, we need a huge infrastructure of roads, gas stations, repair shops, and so on.  We also need cars to take us places.  Is it possible to move freely without relying on cars?  Yes.  Is it possible to make our cars more efficient and to produce less pollution while enjoying the same freedom of movement?  Yes.  We can reduce the extent to which we poison our environment, but it will take time, money, and focus.

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