
Does diet coke give you cellulite?

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Does diet coke give you cellulite?




  1. No, it doesn't, and it doesnt make you hungrier, High fructose corn syrup makes you want to eat more, and that isnt in DIET coke, cellulite is caused by you eating anything that has fat in it, or you eating so many calories that it turns into fat, so go low fat first, and if that doesnt work, lower the calorie intake(running helps tighten those legs and butt up),,,,,,

  2. No.

    Diet coke is made with natural herbal flavours, acidifiers, caramel, water and a tiny amount of artificial intense sweetener (acesulfame potassium and/or aspartame or cyclamate - depending on the country).

    None of these will give you cellulite.

    It's nearly all water and has almost no nutritional value or energy (calories).

    You should be more worried about what the acids are doing to your tooth enamel. Or perhaps drinking something nutritious instead.

    For cellulite, consider your whole calorie intake rather than looking at specific foods.

  3. No. At least not directly.

    When you drink diet-pop, it increases your cravings to eat high-calorie foods. If you can not control cravings, you eat junk foods and get over-weight. Being over-weight, gives you cellulite.

    This is the problem with the artificial sweeteners used in the Diet soda. Some people can control their cravings, majority can not. So the majority of people drinking diet coke may eat more fatty foods. The worst part is more you drink diet soda, higher is the cravings.

  4. yes because gas CO2 is responsible for causing cellulite and diet coke contains it.

  5. Cellulite is caused by fat, not diet coke. Althogh i guess if you drank an overabundance of diet coke and didn exercise the excess calories off than it would turn into fat and eventually cellulite, but that is true with any food.

  6. Hi,

    I used to have pretty bad cellulite which only got worse after I get pregnant. I had it mostly around my inner thighs and bottom and a bit on my tummy as well. I tried eating more healthy food and did a lot of exercise as well which friends and family members recommended but my skin was still lumpy and floppy. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed to have got rid of her cellulite by using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked pretty well. It took a couple of weeks but my skin had improved a lot and I managed to get rid of my cellulite completely. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below:

    Also I don't think you can single out diet coke alone as to cause cellulite

  7. It doesn't give me cellulite because I don't drink it. There are many rumors surrounding Coke and Diet Coke that I don't care to personally test. They're both made with artificial colors and flavors and sugars (Diet Coke is made with types of acid) and it's not something I would want to put in my natural body. With that thinking, I don't understand how they were a sponsor of the Olympics. (Or McDonald's for that matter, but that's a different discussion.)

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