
Does diet have an effect on a hen's egg production and if it does what should I feed my hens to improve.?

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  1. Yes Diet is probably the most important issue you have to cinsider when getting chickens . .

    A chickens diet should be well balanced just like a humans

    for Laying chickens/hens.

    The best staple food/grain for them is

    *layers pellets* or *Layers mash*. . . .

    but if you want hens that are well fed, happy and helthy and lay lots of eggs   grit is essential . . .

    (it is atcually already in some types of pellets)

    But also lots of fresh greens, and fruit

    (never avacados or junk foods)

    Swedes and watermelon are a BIG favourite with my chucks

    also cabbage ;)

    wild bird seed and rabbit food unbelieveably CAN be given now and again as a treat

    (rabbit mix is great for the hens plumage)

    fresh, clean water must alsi be avaiable at all times . . . going without water can stop laying for up to 24-48 hours sometimes even longer.

  2. Yes a chicken's diet is very important whether you are going to eat the meat or use the eggs. Please check out the following website for some feeding info.

  3. Yes it does. I'm not sure why, but they go nuts for salad greens. Try some mixed salad. Also, they like meat. Maybe you aren't giving them some. Remember, they like to eat worms, so I used to feed my birds bologna or liverwurst (the thicker version; I'd sort of cut it into chunks)

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