
Does discharge indicate ovulation? Are you more likely to get pregnant before actual ovulation? Gender?

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I have some wet discharge today and it is around my ovulation time. I had s*x two days and three days ago..Is there a chance I may be pregnant? Does the discharge indicate this? I just had a baby 3 months ago..Also does the ovulation time indicate if you have a girl or boy baby?




  1. ovulation time has nothing to do with s*x of the baby!.... also yes there is a chance you may be pregnant!

  2. The "wetness" could be an indication that you are ovulating.

    You could get pregnant even if you have s*x a couple days before you ovulate.  The sperm can wait on the egg for 2-3 days.  So you could definately have sperm waiting if you had s*x two days ago and are ovulating now.  Whether it's a boy or girl is left up to the sperm.  The sperm determines the s*x of the baby. Whichever sperm "swim" the fastest and actually penetrate the egg indicates whether it's boy or girl.  You get only X chromosome from the mom, but either X or Y from the dad.  XX would be female and XY would be male.

  3. Yes discharge around ovulating time does sometimes mean your about to ovulate. You normal ovulate after it dries up! For me I normal have it for about 3 to 4 day and it dries up and that is the day I ovulate!

    Ovulation time has nothing to do with the s*x of the baby!

  4. The discharge you are having is called spinnebarket, and its purpose is to carry the sperm up to the ovaries. This indicates that you are ovulating.  I know it's gross, but if you put it between your finger and thumb, and it stretches stringy like, then you are on your MOST fertile day.

    Ovulation has some other signs too.

    Sometimes women also experience ovulation cramping. And then one of the most TELLING signs that a woman is ovulating is sexual desire. Nature has a tricky little way to get women pregnant!

    I read a book named Boy or Girl.  

    1.  The male sperm race up to the egg more quickly than the female ones.  (Just like in real life, males are generally stronger and faster than females.)  For this reason, if you are hoping for a boy you should have s*x ON the day you are most fertile.  They also die faster- usually live three days max!

    2.  Female sperm live longer -up to five days (as females in real life tend to do).  For this reason, if you want to have a girl, you should have s*x three days before you ovulate.  This way the male sperm will mostly be dead, increasing the chances that only female ones will be around to fertilize the egg when it is released.  They are also slower.

    You can buy fertility strips that detect ovulation on E-bay.  I got a ton of them for very little money. (I think like 100 for $25.00.)  They don't come in the fancy packaging, and are just strips, but the work just as well as the packs of 2-4 you buy for $20.00!

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