
Does disneyland allow flipflops?

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My parents says that they wont let u go on roller coasters with flipflops incase they fall off.

Is that true? Or can people wear flipflops?




  1. Yes, you can wear sandals or flip flops on a ride and into the park.  

    But in my experience after walking around the park in flip flops for 12 hours, my feet were killing me.  I recommend comfortable shoes for added comfort.

    THE ONLY RIDE in the whole resort WITH A STORAGE BOX IS:


  2. You're allowed to take your shoes off on any ride and leave them in the box...or you could hold them. Don't worry though, you're allowed to wear whatever shoes (and clothes) you want.


  3. In the main Disneyland Park, they don't care, in California Adventure, they do sometimes care sometimes they don't, however, all they do is ask you to taken em off, and place them under the seat.  Really don't see any problems, I have gone to both places and never had a problem when I wore flip flops.

  4. You can wear them if you like but THEY WILL ask you to take them off to enter a roller coaster ride. Sorry.

  5. yeah you can wear flip flops. but i wouldnt if i were u cuz its going to be really really crowded and uncomfortable. lol my feet were tired/hurting and i wore tennis shoes. my suggestion:

    wear something comfortable and go on a weekday; DONT GO ON friday, saturday, or near a holiday. its packed

  6. You can where flip flops. but i would not where flip flops to a amusment park!

  7. You can wear them, but almost every ride makes you take them off at the loading bay, ie when you get on you leave your flip flops, when you get back you pick them up.

  8. Yes, you're allowed to wear flipflops at Disneyland. If you go on rollercoasters, you're able to store your shoes inside these shelves next to the ride.

    There aren't really any rollercoasters at Disneyland, however; I think only California Adventure has one.

  9. Why would you want to i would wear proper running shoes.

  10. You can wear them to the park, but they are not practical, and Disney does not have any Roller Coaster where they will "fall off" of your feat.

    Every ride at Disney (in Orlandon) has a bottom to it.

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