
Does distant markers or yardage signs help poeple on golf courses?

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The distant markers like fairway markers or sprinkler markers. Sometimes i cant find them. Just curious if people really use them?




  1. Yes, i use them and especially on a course that i havent played before.

  2. If you don't have the course yardage book what else would you use?  None of us are that good.

  3. Yes, they are very critical once you are capable of controlling the distance on your shots. I swing differently for a 180 yard shot than I do for a 185 yard shot.

  4. Of course, yardage is always my first consideration in club selection. Don't forget about wind, temperature, or your own skill level though.

  5. yea w/o them youd just be swinging the clubs at the ball as hard as u can everytime lol (however for some of us, such as myself, that might bring on the same results hahahaha)

  6. I first learned the game in the early 90s north of chicago. The course that I learned on were flat and the holes were in front of you in plain view and I learned by sight, which means that I would look to the spot where I wanted to hit it and judge which club I needed to hit it there. I heard everyone talking about using certain clubs for certain distances but felt I was doing better with just looking at it. UNTIL, I went to a course that was full of blind shots with no sight to the landing areas. Man was that the worst feeling in the world. My playing partner said the fairway is over that hill, you need to carry it 175 to avoid the creek that is between the top of the hill and the fairway, well I had no clue as to what club I hit 175 yards. So when you go to a driving range you need to be focusing on learning how far you hit each club so when you get on a hilly track and the sprinkler head says 180 to the center of the green you can confidently grab the club that you know if executed properly will get you there. So yes every golfer uses, or should use them. Psssst, get a sky caddie, gps that tells you everything you need to know without wasting the time to look for the markers.

  7. Yes, they are incredibly important in choosing the right club so you can take into account all the external factors (hazards, wind, etc..). Being able to judge distance is definitely a helpful quality, but the yardage markers are much more precise and are correct 100% of the time.

  8. So, the consensus is YES, and I agree.

    BUT, I prefer GPS yardage (GolfTraxx).

    Yardage markers in the fairway are just that, only in the fairway.  For those of us like me, that is this the short grass that ISN'T under the trees, next to the lake or the other areas that my shots tend to go  =), barber poles, kirby markers, sprinkler heads and cart-path pait don't do me much good.

  9. Sometimes they're good unless you are playing at some cheap course where the 150 yd. marker is actually the 100 and where there are no sprinkler heads.

  10. Yes.  Especially if you know how far you hit each of your clubs.  It is definitely easier to know how far you are from the green than having to guess.  I would love to have a Sky Caddie, but they are expensive.  I walk off the yardage if I walk pass the 200(blue marker), 150(white marker), or 100(red marker) yard signs and not see another marker between the 3 distances.  That way I have an idea of how far I'm away.  I'm usually pretty accurate.  I started playing golf on a course where there wasn't any yardage markers, so I have an idea of how far I'm away from 150 yards and in.

  11. i do it help me a lot

  12. Yes. They are very helpful and acually quite important in the game of golf. Distance control is a key to success, and you must know your yardage to the hole in order to select a club.

    The best yardarge markers IMO are splinkler head markers, because they are usually more accurate and represent the distance from that point to the green. Fairway markers are typically spaced at every 50 yards, starting at 100. So if you're inside 100, you have to guess your yardage. Though as you become better, you may find that inside 50 you won't need a yardage and can use your feel. But there are typically sprinklers marked as close as 30 yards from the green, which helps.

  13. yes, i need them to get a feel for what club i need to hit, id be lost without them

  14. um YA. sum ppl like 2 know there distances!

  15. yes they're very important. it's difficult to hit the green let alone get close to the pin without knowing how far you are from the target. the problem with these markers is that some courses are more accurate in their measurement than others. That's where a keen eye and being a good judge of distance comes in handy. Some places measure from the front of the green, others from the middle.

    Don't forget to add the yardage from where the measurement stops to where the pin actually is on the green. the sign may say 150 yards, but if the pin is in the back you may be looking at 160-170 yards.

  16. Absolutely!!!!! I'd be lost with out some reference point

  17. Yes they do, if you remember that they are telling  you center of the green, then you need to see the flag to determine where it is located. Most of the pin flags have markers on them telling you, or back of the green

  18. Yes they are quite helpful. Some holes that we play are optical illusions and appear closer or further than they are. Those sticks or markers really help in club selection.

  19. Not unless the Pope is catholic.

  20. I use them every hole, every round.  Most of my local courses have the cart path painted for yardage as well

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