
Does does a confession as you die bring salvation ?

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Does a death bed confession bring salvation ?




  1. As long as you confess before you go.

  2. No.

    Everyone who dies ceases to exist...until they are resurrected from God's memory. Then they are judges by Jesus and the 144,000, bought [ paid for] from the earth.

    They are not judged on what they have done wrong, but on how they react to being resurrected into God's new system. If they comply, they will be accepted. If not, then occurs the 'second' death. Romans .6;23

  3. I believe the bible say's faith without works is dead . Your question reminds me of those who think once saved always saved .

    If a death bed confession was all we need do then is there a point to living a Christian way of life ?

    Matthew 7:13&14 urges us to find the narrow path to life , not all we need to do is confess. The important word is find (seek) this implies taking action.

    Faith without works also implies action is to be taken.

    Now is the time to seek salvation not on our dieing breath.

  4. To answer from the Bible, I would direct your attention to the thief that died on the cross next to Jesus.

    While he was hanging there dying, God did open his eyes of understanding as to who Jesus is. When he asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His Kingdom, Jesus told him that that day he would be with Him in Paradise.

    This is recorded in Luke chapter 23, the others add to the account...we discover the thief before hand had been blaspheming against Christ. We see God came to enlighten even a condemned thief, having opened his eyes...

    All he did was to believe and have faith in Jesus. That was it, that was all. He was not baptized, he had no chance to do works. You can't exactly crawl off a cross for a while.

    But this is a good point-God will not require something of a person that they cannot do.

    The thief was saved. But it is MORE than merely mouthing words, since God looks on the heart. He knows its thoughts, its intents. He knows who are His.

  5. No. There are many things a person must do besides this.

  6. It sure can (e.g. the thief on the cross next to Jesus), but many people don't even have that opportunity the moment before they die.

    Now is the acceptable time to repent and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  You are not promised that last possible moment for a death bed conversion.

  7. Only Jehovah knows that answer.  He sees the heart and knows the motivation.  If someone is confessing to a grave sin or injustice then they probably want to die with a clear conscience.  I also agree with Pug, above me.   Hi !!

  8. Only Jehovah God can truly answer that for he can read hearts, we can't.

    Please see if you can answer this.;...

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