
Does draining a nail hurt?

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I smashed my finger in a car door. Its hard to bend but its not broken. The nail is purple and black, and there's alot of pressure under it. I heard about draining a nail, and I think I will have someone fdo it for me. Its tender to the touch already, how do I put a burning needle to my nail without it hurting?

Any tips?






  1. To me, this sounds like a MacGyver thing. Sounds good on paper but it probably harder to do than it looks. I would have a doctor check it out before I did anything, for the simple reason that if you do this yourself, you run the risk of infection, and then you'll be in serious pain. The swelling is just blood being sent to the wound with white blood cells to protect against infection. The swelling will eventually go down once the threat has passed and the white blood cells and such break down to be reabsorbed. If you do something like this yourself, and don't sterilize the equipment properly or make sure the wound doesn't get dirt in it, you are going to be in serious pain if the quick gets infected.

    I've had a nail infection before, and they are darned near impossible to clear up on your own, which means you would probably have to go to the doctor anyway. They can take care of the swelling and probably give you some antibiotics.

  2. are u crazy it hurts relay hurts  but try cutting a nail ur nail and it will grow and ur back in businees

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