
Does dramamine work in air planes?

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Ok so I'm going on vacation in two days and everytime I enter the plane, the smell makes me wanna throw up and during take off and landing, I get VERYY nauseous!

I bought some less frowsy dramamine today and I was wondering if it works?




  1. look out for tips at:

  2. Dramamine will not help for a smell related issue (tho I wonder what it is you are smelling, as I find plane air to be too sterile, at least until someone unpacks food).  It may help during takeoff and landing, as the acceleration plays merry havoc with some people's inner ear.

  3. No,it won't work. It's for motion sickness, not smells.

  4. yeperoonies!!!!

  5. I'm a flight attendant. Dramamine works for motion sickness but often makes people drowsy. I've seen it work for people in pill form but also in the wristband form and in the patch-behind-the-ear form. However, it doesn't sound like you are talking about motion sickness. Dramamine isn't going to make things smell better to you. Why not just bring a fabric softener sheet (Bounce) in your purse to sniff if you don't like the way the plane smells? Or a Lysol/Clorox type wipe to use in the vicinity of your seat (like on tray tables and armrests) and this way you get the fresh smell and the knowledge that the surfaces are clean. But the best thing is maybe just to realize that it's a public conveyance, like a taxi or a bus or commuter train, and therefore it just smells. In other words, get used to it. That may be the best thing to do, esp. if you are going on vacation. You are likely to encounter several vehicles, restrooms and other places that smell a lot stronger than even the rankest commercial jet. That's the nature of travel, even if you limit yourself to American-style resorts. Please, don't compensate by wearing a lot of perfume or deodorant on your person. There are lots of folks who are allergic to that kind of thing or just plain find it offensive when others are overloaded with it in a small contained area. Don't come onboard and spray anything if you could get any normal-sized can through TSA! That's why the Bounce and wipes are handy. Also, I advise NOT to sit near a window or if so, avoid looking out at times you are likely to be feeling sick. Lower the shade. Also...DO NOT READ if you are prone to motion sickness. Get the attendant to fill one airsickness bag with ice and hold it to your neck. Drink ginger ale or take ginger capsules or mix powdered ginger (Spice Islands) with some apple juice. Do not sit in a seat that has you looking down an unobstructed aisle. Stay cool and keep an air vent on you. Do not eat a lot of rich or greasy foods beforehand and carry some crackers.

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