
Does drinking 2 gallons of water & Peeing twice & holding third p**s help u pass a drug screening?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah as it says..

If you smoke pot.. and need it not to show up on a drug test..

What do you do?

Does drinking 2 gallons of water, peeing twice and holding the 3rd for the p**s test work? Or is this just a myth?




  1. wont work.. try using .nitro glycerinn .it messes up a drug test ?

  2. I'm quite sure it's a myth.  I've heard Goldenseal (an herb) can help, but you're probably best off to buy time by saying you are sick or something and give it time to get out of your that an option?  Or is it for probation or something where you can't put it off?

    I think drinking 2 gallons of water (at once) is going to give you water poisoning, anyway............  not a good idea.

  3. Seeing that pot stays in your body for 2 weeks or 30 days I don't think that peeing twice and save the third one is going to help you pass your test. Your best bet is to seek a health store and buy some cranberry power and mix with water and drink until you can't to wash out some of the toxins in your body. Another safe best is to visit your local head shop and buy some triple x*x. it works or they double your money back.

  4. Here's the thing...I have always heard that pot is the one thing that will show up on a urine test when everything else has been eliminated from the body.  Cannabis just seems to have staying power -- like for weeks.

    If possible, postpone your urine test for 4-6 weeks.  And don't do pot in the meantime.

    It's ironic that the least damaging of the "illegal" drugs seems to stay the longest in the system.  p**p!

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