
Does drinking coffee make you wam up quicker than drinking a can of coke?

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a co-worker of mine stated that coke would warm a person's body up quicker due to the amount of calories it contains as compared to a cup of coffee---I then threw out the question of what if you were already cold-->what would the difference be? whats the truth behind this statement? Is your body gonna be warmed up quicker drinking a can of coke or cup of coffee and if your already cold then what works best? Why or Why not on your answers please. Thanks




  1. Well, I don't think so, I think to warm up a person is better a  cup of hot coffee tah a can of coke, because as it is hot the coffee has the dual effect, specially if it is sweetened with regular sugar.  Phisically a hot beverage warms up the body, produces raising of the body's temperature, and a cold beverage obviously not. Sweet things warm up because of the calories? well in that case it could be better to sweet the coffe don't you think so?

  2. as homer simpson would say.....


  3. If you drink a hot drink, somthing warmer than your body temperature, then your body shuts down to help the liquid cool off before it is processed. If you drink something cold then your body attempts to warm it up first.

    So, given this, then when it is 98 degrees outside with heat index of 104 it will actually do you more harm then good to drink a big glass of ice water. The warmer the water the better for you. Your body won't try to warm up to warm up the liquid and it will get into your system where it is so desperately needed once it is body temperature.

  4. I think that coke may warm you up but if youre already cold i dont see how unless its not cold and its at room temperature i go for cappucinos when im cold or hot chocolate or things that are supposd to be HOT thats just what works for me

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