
Does drinking green tea helps you loose weight ?

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i heard this but i dont know if its true !... if u KNOW it true please let me know how it works and why.. thankx




  1. youy can buy this thing called dieters tea.. which you drink as normal.. only 2-3 cups a day only the tea itself has a laxative effect so everything you eat is going to come shooting straight back out of you.. and even if you only try it for one day you been on and off the toilet for 2-3days while it gets out your system..

    so yeah it helps you loose weight as nothing stays in your body.. although you feel like you have diarea..... i think its only really good to have around the house incase of constapation... it sorts it all out for you.

  2. i love it!,

    i dont get the expenisive ones though,

    they all pretty much work the same, just make sure you get a natural one, that says antioxident rich or just ones from the supermarket.

    it doesnt actually make you loose weight, but it gets rid of toxins in your body, clears the skin and helps the metabolism, you should get it, it costs like $3.00

  3. this is a very helpful blog,

  4. If you are talking about wu ji please do NOT get scammed!.   ANY kind of tea will help give you a metabolism and caffeine boost. :)

    Even your dentist will tell you that ...or your gyn/ob. lol

    when i was pregnant for my last two, i was very high risk and could only deliver at high risk hospital  well, ...LOL!   My frend was also high risk , so we signed up to take this trial for fun, we figured , what the heick !??

    We could win a free nursery!!

    the DRs  had patients lined up outside in the labor room on a 'full moon" nite and one DR made this comment

    Someone has been drinking ICED or HOT TEA!!!   and its YOU....and YOU...and he went thru...pointing out the women....he pointed out 6  out of 17 women and i was one of em.(after he had the stethoscope on us.  hahah!!!     so he then sends the nurses around with their machines and they hook everyone up, one by one.....the 6 he chose those babys heartbeats were about to jump out of us!!!

    EVERY one of us, our mouths just DROPPED wide open.  lol

    Because we had not been interviesed, we had not written anything down.  NOTHING.  They just took pregnant women off the floor at the mall and asked if they would take this survey , they would get 200.00 card to Mom n Me and a chance for 14,000 nursey. well who wouldnt /

    So when questioned   4 of us had Iced Tea, 3 had mountain Dew and the rest had just drunk diet coke, regualar coke, etc.  Nothing else effected the babys,  Just the mountain dew and the ICED TEA.  

    he then weighted the baby, meausered, etc on the sonogram from our last one, *(permission used from our dr)*    and weighed us)   It all boiled down to that the iced tea and mountain dew users were hypering up the metabolism and keeping the mothers weight at an even keel, but not hurting the baby, although it did make the baby hyper and move way more .  ;)

    So theres your answer.  LOL!  IT DOES speed up your metabolism!!!

  5. I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too!   I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins.  Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things.  The toxins get stored in the fat in our body.  To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body.  This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked.  The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast.  If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website.  This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better.  Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  6. 1)  First, the word is lose not loose.  You want to lose weight, not loose weight.  (Loose is the opposite of tight.)

    2)  Questions about losing weight get asked here every single day, dozens of times.  If you aren't satisfied with these responses use the SEARCH FOR QUESTIONS box at the top of the page and search for past answers to this question.  (All you need to  do is type "lose weight" in the box and click SEACH.  Or type in "loose weight" since you're not the only one who doesn't know how to spell this word.)

    3)  There's only one way to lose weight (fat) and that's to burn off more calories than the number of calories you consume.  That's it.  Done.  End of story.  It doesn't matter HOW you burn them off.  You can jog, swim, cycle, lift weights, make love... do anything you want.  

    The best way is to a) exercise more often than what you're probably doing now AND b) cut back on your calories.  However, note that you don't HAVE to cut back on your calories at all.  You can pig out on banana splits all day and lose weight if you want to.  (Not cutting back on your calories just means you have to exercise more.)

    4)  You can't spot reduce.  You can't remove fat from just your thighs, for example.  When losing weight, your body will take it off in the reverse order that it put it on.

    5)  You can expect to lose, at most, about 1.5 to 2 pounds of fat per week.  If you lose anything more than this, you're losing water and/or muscle, which is NOT what you want.

    6)  Finally, the only way green tea will help you to lose weight is if you are drinking that INSTEAD of something else that has more calories.  Sorry.

    Eat right (no junk food) and exercise.  Eat right and exercise.  Eat right and exercise.  That's it!

  7. The ones that are specially made for losing weight like really do work, yes!  I mean, it has worked for me!  I ordered a free trial a long time ago and have been using it ever since with great results.

  8. This article provides info on how does green tea help with weight loss:

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