
Does drinking help depression?

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I dont think iv ever felt so crappy ..

Would drinking ease the pain?




  1. Drinking would only be a temporary fix.  Trust me, Im going through depression right now too.  I can drink any and how much alcohol that I want, but once I sober up, Im still faced with the problems that existed before I took the drink.

    Take my advice and go see a therapist (especially one that can prescribe medications....)

  2. Temporarily...

    When you sobered up, you'd be even more depressed.

    This is how alcoholism starts...please try a new form of antidepressant...

  3. Actually, nope.

    Drinking would only make the situation worse.

    To me, the best way to deal with the depression is to listen to some music (like metal and Rock & Roll) or go for a walk and do some exercises. And think about what makes me so depressed and then face and deal with the problem.

    Hope this helps and have a nice day!

  4. It would for the time being..but when you wake up you will probally feel ten times worse!! This can cause you to have another drink, and become depedent after a while doing that.

    So yeh, it will make you feel better(for now)!!

    =D hope you cheer up =D

  5. no

    but depression helps drinking

  6. How does alcohol affect us?

    Immediate effects:

    Alcohol tastes good to most adults although not, usually, to children. It can help you to relax, which can make it easier to talk to other people, especially if you are a bit shy. The downside is that it can make you unfit to drive, to operate machinery and affects your ability to make decisions.

    If you go on drinking, your speech starts to slur, you become unsteady on your feet and may start to say things you may regret the next day.

    If you drink even more, most people start to feel sleepy, sick or dizzy. You may pass out. The next day you may be unable to remember what happened while you were drinking.Becoming dependent on alcohol,Alcohol can be a very effective way of feeling better for a few hours. If you are depressed and lacking in energy, it can be tempting to use alcohol to help you keep going and cope with life. The problem is that it is easy to slip into drinking regularly, using it like a medication.  The benefits soon wear off and the drinking becomes part of a routine. You start to notice that:

    * instead of choosing to have a drink, you feel you have to have it

    * you wake up with shaky hands and a feeling of nervousness

      * you start to drink earlier and earlier

    * your work starts to suffer

        * your drinking starts to affect your relationships

        * you carry on drinking in spite of the problems it causes

        * you find you have to drink more and more to get the same effect (tolerance)

        * you start to ‘binge drink’ (see below) regularly.

    Long-term effects

    Alcohol can lead to:

        * psychosis -  hearing voices when there is nobody there

        * dementia - memory loss, rather like Alzheimer's dementia

    What is the connection between depression and alcohol?

    We know that there is a connection – self-harm and suicide are much commoner in people with alcohol problems. It seems that it can work in two ways:

        * you regularly drink too much including (including ‘binge drinking’) which makes you feel depressed


        * you drink to relieve anxiety or depression

    Either way:

        * Alcohol affects the chemistry of the brain, increasing the risk of depression.

        * Hangovers can create a cycle of waking up feeling ill, anxious, jittery and guilty.

        * Life gets depressing – arguments with family or friends, trouble at work, memory and sexual problems.

  7. no, a purpose would, set a goal (even if its meaningless), right now im switching to polyphasic sleeping, trust me about drinking though, my grandpa became an alcohalic after WWII and he was misserable, dont drink worsens sorrows

  8. No, alcohol will not help if you are truly suffering from clinical depression.  Alcohol will probably make things worse.  

    You need therapy and possibly medication.

  9. well in my experience the first couple hours would be ok but really drinking is a downer so after that you would get even more depressed.  drinking and smoking are mood downers so they bring you down.  "X" and "speed" are uppers so they bring your mood up, however i dont reccomend any of the sorts, just try listening to some upbeat music :)  works with me :)

  10. Alcohol is a depressant.  Being a recovering alcoholic, it doesn't help makes it worse.

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