
Does driving 80 miles a day to a job that pays $9 an hour make sense??

by  |  earlier

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It's a full time job and my family only has one car so someone needs to drive 20 miles 4 times a day...... Which would tie the car up ... ( my other family members also don't have a job)




  1. NOT AT ALL, and why do you have to go four different times a day?

  2. It sounds like you might be using the car as part of the business.

    It is possible, that if you bought a car, and used it strictly for this business, you might be able to claim it as an unreimbursed business expense. If so, you would want to work it out so that the tax savings from the car equaled the payment on the car. In effect, the car would be free,

    But you would have to use it 100% for the business. So get a beater.

  3. If you get 20 MPG that means you use 4 gallons of gas which will cost you at least $16. If you work 8 hours you earn $72 dollars so you net, after gas expenditure $56 or $7 an hour. YOU have to decide whether it's worth it or not. Personally, I'd try to find something closer to home.

  4. if the area you live doesn' have any good jobs i would

  5. Can't you find a 9 buck an hour gig closer to home? Dude where do you live?  Now that I think about it if you lived in some rural parts of Nebraska or Kansas or some other places you may not have a choice. If not look into some where closer to home I can't believe 9 hour gigs are that tough to get.

  6. ugh nooooooo

  7. no is better to ride the bus.

  8. No while gas prices are high it would be more cost effective if you took a lesser paying job closer to home.Wear and tear on the car,gas , insurance , maybe other family has to cab service,time lost in car riding to and from work.

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