
Does drooling cause cold sores?

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without a warning of tingling/burning/itching sensation a day before............ I woke up one morning with a pool of saliva at the corner of my mouth from drooling. and the right corner of my mouth was irritated and popped up blisters in 3 minutes, cracks, and kept getting new scabs. Although it cleared up in about 2 weeks and 3 days it still left off a very red area. It was that morning i drooled/constantly licked the area/scratched it. Could it have been a bacteria infection?




  1. I think so because a similar thing happened to me. I normally brush my teeth before I sleep but I came home from a long night and morning and decided to take an afternoon nap (not brushing my teeth first). I woke up with a pool of saliva on my mattress, i had been lying face down. About 20 minutes later I noticed what looked like a pimple at the middle of my bottom lip right on the edge. I popped it and put alcohol/peroxide on it. Ever since then (5 days ago) it has been getting really red and irritated and now is in a circle shape pattern. I'm going crazy trying to find info because I know I'm disease free.

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