
Does dry ice cancel out man-made global warming?

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It just makes sense...using carbon dioxide to cool the planet it's supposedly warming...





  1. Co2 is not the primary greenhouse gas.  In fact, it's a minor one.  Your idea is righteous.

  2. I know some believers who buy dry ice, wrap it in plastic bags, then bury it in the ground.  They got the idea that they are sequestering carbon!

  3. We have Global Cooling. read here

  4. Huh?   You make no sense.  Try again.

  5. What a sublime idea.

  6. Ok, there are some problems with that idea.  First of all, dry ice is CO2, the primary greenhouse gas.  When dry ice cools things, this evaporates, causing global warming.  Secondly, to remove the heat from gaseous CO2 to cause it to become a solid takes energy, which would likely come from burning coal, which makes greenhouse gasses.  Unless you use renewables (solar, wind, ect.) to remove the heat to solidify it, then stored it in a VERY cold place, much colder than the arctic, it would be a useless endever.

  7. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

  8. Within the last year world wide temperatures have dropped across the Northern Hemisphere according to tracking stations at Hadley, NSA, GISS, and RSS. This is real solid data that suggest the opposite or cooling effect is going on. Your question may be a valid one in the lab but its not practical even if global warming was in fact going on, which at this time is doubtful. How much dry ice would you have to make to counter CO2 in its gaseous state? Maybe Al Gore can run with this idea!

    His religious cult on GW seems to be growing.

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