
Does dsl have a download limit?

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Does dsl have a download limit?




  1. It depends on the provider.  Typically, the provider does not put a cap on the DSL service they provide.

  2. A lot of it is going to depend on your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the service agreement you signed up for.  Typically, ISP's give you both a download speed limit and an upload speed limit, i.e. 1.5Mbps download/384Kbps upload.  As far as actual limitations such as how much you can download in a month, you'll need to check with your ISP and see if they even have a limit.  

  3. Most providers say that you'll get terminated for "excessive use" but very few detail what "excessive" means.  Sometimes it's a daily limit and then you get cut off until the next day (24 hours), other times it's a monthly limit and you get cut off for the rest of the month (billing cycle) or kicked off perminantly.

    Call the ISP and ask about it, the only time I've heard of this was a news story where people were watching many online movie rentals (streaming through computer) or doing file-sharing.

  4. Every service has a download limit; it may be a large or a small value, depending upon the service.

    DSL is no different in this regard than is any other option.

    However, most downloading servers are throttled back to a speed slower than the ISP subscribed speed so usually the ISP subscribed speed is not the "bottleneck".

  5. well it depends on your internet service provider you would need to check with them, but nearly every isp uses a fair usage policy

    eg if you donwload a certain amount of files. your speed can be reduced to a certain speed or your connection disabled for a time.

  6. all depends on your service plan but alot of providers are starting to which is just another way for them to milk you for more money on their crappy service

  7. well: yes it does have  Computer Networking of course AT&T

    Yahoo ! dsl answers Computers & Internet basic down load is required

    only for Windows XP 95 -98 or better  but you must check all


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