
Does each generation of Americans learn a new excuse for complaining about our country or just keep harping on

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Does each generation of Americans learn a new excuse for complaining about our country or just keep harping on the same ones over and over again?




  1. No, I think just two generations of mostly teens and twenty-somethings, the 60's generation and the current batch.

    "The Violator!" is a Brit insulting our troops.  His link is a question picking out every bad thing individual US troops have done and branding them all bad, and I guess our entire country as well.

    Seriously, with allies like the British, who needs radical Islam?

  2. The primary reason Americans complain is because we have had it so good for so long we have have lost site of reality. That is why men and women all over the world are waiting in line to come here, or risking all to sneak in. At the same time the liberal press have been trying to make everything seem horrible for the last eight years to brainwash the younger generation of voters.

    As soon as the Democrats get power, everything will be wonderful again.

  3. I feel todays youth is not enlightining themselves with knowledge moral values. thats why they just harp on the old things Yes america was always far ahead than most of the countries so we must give that respect to the people who made that possible in stead of cribbing all the time.As children we were taught that american president is next to god meaning the most powerful country in the world not in means of military etc but brains money etc. Every one has there ups nd downs we should be conciderate on that aspect

  4. Thank goodness for the present!  "The good ole' days" how often we hear this.  Personally I think the good ole' days are now and tomorrow.  We as Americans have the best that life can buy, if we want it!  We can not sit around and wait for it to be handed to us, we DO have to work for it.  I think each generation want to provide more for their children than what they had, therefore, this causes alot of turmoil locally & nationally.

  5. While we're generalizing, does the older generation learn to become unquestioning, servile, docile, morons who would rather harp on about the weather than the direction their country is heading? Or is it just that they've lost all their marbles as they got older?

    And why is it that older people keep stealing credit for things they never did when they were younger? By the posts in these forums you'd think most were well into their 90th birthdays the way they keep reminding people how "great" America was during WWII, and to be mindful of saying anything critical lest it offends them. Funny huh? :)

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