
Does each military branch score the ASVAB differently?

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Because for the Air Force you will only have four different scores and as for any other branch you will have like nine or so..

Please break it down for me.




  1. Actually the Coast Guard standard is slightly higher than even the Air Force.  The test is scored the same for all, but each service has different standards, and look at the different breakdowns differently.

  2. The test is the same and the score is the same, but the break down is different.

    You have your overall score, and that is what will qualify you into the service. That's a number between 1 and 100. Most people score around 40.

    After that I only know Army-

    Then it is divided into skills, and to get a certain MOS (Job) you need a score of (Blank) in (Blank) skill. If you score over 100 across the chart, (an overall score of about 75) You can do just about anything given your age and physical ability.

    The Army allows you to choose your MOS while in the MEPS station and they will tell you what you can and can't do, ect..

    (I think the other services tell you what you will do after basic. But Like I said I'm Army so I don't know)

  3. The difference services have different standards for test scores, with the USAF having the highest standard.  

  4. They dont grade it differently. Every service has a minimum score that you must meet. How its done is for certain jobs you must have certain scores on certain sections on the test. Your collective score is just to make sure you can get into the service.

  5. No, they don't score the AFQT differently.

    But they do add the sub scores differently to determine what jobs you qualify for.

    There are 9 different sub scores on the asvab test.

    WK Word Knowledge

    PC Paragraph Comprehension

    AR Arithmetic Reasoning

    MK Mathematics Knowledge

    GS General Science

    AS Auto and Shop

    MC Mechanical Comprehension

    EI Electronics Information

    AS Assembling Objects

    The first four are used for your AFQT score.

    The Air Force adds sub scores like this :

    Mechanical Aptitude Score - (GS), (MC), (AS).

    Administrative Aptitude Score - (WK) , (PC)

    General Aptitude Score - (AR) , (WK), (PC)

    Electronics Aptitude Score - (GS), (AR), (MK), and (EI).

    The Army adds the sub scores like this:

    Clerical (CL) - (VE),(AR),(MK)

    Combat (CO) - (VE),(AS),(MC)

    Electronics (EL) - (GS),(AR),(MK),(EL)

    Field Artillery (FA) - (AR),(MK),(MC)

    General Maintenance (GM) - (GS),(AS),(MK),(EL)

    General Technical (GT) - (VE),(AR)

    Mechanical Maintenance (MM) - (AS),(MC),(EL)

    Operators and Food (OF) - (VE),(AS),(MC)

    Surveillance and Communications (SC)-(VE),(AR),(AS),(MC)

    Skilled Technical (ST) - (GS),(VE),(MC),(MK)

    But what is commonly called the asvab score( really the AFQT score), is determined the same for each branch of the military.

    AFQT = 2(VE) + (AR) + (MK)

    VE is determined by adding (WK) and (PC) then using a special chart to get a VE score.

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