
Does each one of my two dogs need her own crate to sleep in?

by  |  earlier

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They are both about 1.5 years old, a beagle and a lab/dachshund mix (difficult to picture, I know, but she's about the beagle's size). They are also housebroken and they get along very well together.

How much room does a dog really need in a crate size?




  1. I think it would be to crowed for two dogs

  2. The crate needs to be enough room that they can comfortably turn around, stand up and room to stretch out to sleep.

    Let them be together if they want to be. Beagle tend to nest and like company but you will need to leave that up to them.  Do they sleep together now??  that a clue.

    If they sleep separate now then 2 crates would be their desire.

    I personally don't crate animals, they are like my children and they sleep where ever they want.  And both choose the floor at the end of the bed.  I have one guy who is very  non-verbal and will not bark to go outside to pee, so I close my bedroom door so I can hear him if he goes to my door to  get out.

  3. A dog needs enough space to stand up and turn around with a little bit more space to be comfy.  I generally would recommend crating them separately so they have their own space.  But if they don't mind, then go ahead.  Do you shut them in together?  If so, I would say they need their own.  Being shut up together for any amount of time could make them aggressive and/or anxious.  At their age if they are housebroken they don't really need to be crated except for sleeping and even then they shouldn't need to be shut in.  If they generally sleep there then they won't be prone to getting up and leaving.

  4. I think personally that they should both have their own crates, but as long as they have enough space to get up, move around, lay down, and such they should be fine. I have a cage that fits a 3 year old doberman, it's a fairly large cage, and if you have a beagle and a lab/dachshund mix  i don't think they will even be able to both fit comfortably in the cage I own.

  5. You can have them in the same one. just make sure they have room to stand and move around  a little.. Not enough to go c**p in the corner then go hide in the other lol. I actually have a brother that did this with his two dogs and they would go in the crate later and lay together with the door was their security..the crate and the other dog.

  6. The point of a crate is to create a "den" for the dog, since dogs are den animals.  It's not just a bed.  It's sort of a safe, quiet place and feeds into their intinct.  The size recommendations (stand up/turn around) are to simulte the den environment.  Therefore, getting a crate too large defeats the purpose.  For example, if one has a puppy that will grow into a large dog, and wants to only buy one crate, he should buy the large crate but put boxes or something into it in order to create the small den feeling while the dog is small.  Even though it might cost more, each dog really should have its own crate if the goal is crate training.  Good luck! :)

  7. No. They each need their own space. Or, buy an extra large one (like for a mastiff) that is open at the top, and give both of them their own beds.  I would still go with separate. Then if they need to be alone, they can be.

  8. A dog should be able to stand up, lay down, turn around, and do it all comfortably while in their crate.

  9. if the cage is big enough, and they dont fight, then they can sleep together

  10. you could by an extra big one and that way they can bond really well and that means that they will be very protective over you.

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