
Does early sexual action indicate an abusive future?

by  |  earlier

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As a kid, I remember being very...into that. Stuffed animals, friends, and such. At about 7-10. I had a pretty crazy home, lots of frustration, yelling, fighting, drunks. Im pretty sure I had anxiety.

I barely remember a while back me and my older brother were doing things. I was probably about 6-8, he is 4 years older. I now have an eating disorder at 19. Curious about all of this...

I dont have any relationships. And I dont hve s*x or anything...and I hate my body.




  1. hi first things first ,you r as normal as any anybody,, take it easy pal , you should not let small things bother you , try to accept life as it comes ,such kind of expriences are not uncommon at your age try to have a regular workout routine ,sleep well ,and concentrate on watever you do best ,,in short chillax man i know you will get the best in life,,,,regards

  2. Hi,  nobody can predict what the furure will hold, and what happened in the past is certainly no gaurantee.

    This is certainly something I would have preferred to have answerred on a 1-1 e-mail, and I will if you want to talk further.

    Trust is a funny thing, and once it's lost, is very hard to get back. What your brother did was wrong, and combined with the problems of the crazy home life can certainly not of helped.

    What happened to you, however, was not your fault, your brother, being bigger took advantage of you, and that is certainly something not to blame yourself for.

    Not all guys are like that. Some of us actually respect the female, and certainly don't want to cause her pain, but right now, I feel as though you have very little respect for yourself, which is no good for you.

    Start believing in yourself, you are a wonderful person waiting to explode out.  If necessary, go and see a counsellor aabout events in the past, or talk them through with someone you trust and respect.

    Keeping things bottled up never helps, it just makes you get all tense and angry. Let things go, it helps.

    The eating disorder. Talk to your doctor, or a dietitian, let's get you back on the track to a normal diet, and normal eating, with a bit of will power, you can crack it, I'm sure of that.

    Relationships, are very hard things, to give your trust to someone when all you have felt in the past is hurt and pain, the people who you thought you could trust letting you down, is hard, but not impossible.

    I honestly think there could be light at the end of the tunnel, you have taken a big step by talking about it, on here, so let's move it on a bit further by looking for things that will help.

    feel free to contact me if you want, I know what ****'s like, but I also know what it's like to go through it and come out the other side.

    Mike t.

  3. There are many brothers and sisters who had experiences of a sexual nature in one way or another when they were very young. It was all a part of being curious about the other s*x and body parts. Many grew out of it, some never did.  What you need is to either forget about what happened when you were so young and dismiss it as child play or else you need to get counselling. Having the feelings you do about s*x and your body is not healthy in such a young woman.

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