
Does eating apple pie cause global warming?

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Just wondering if I can even step out of my house these days without it causing this global warming (summer) everyone is talking about.




  1. If you believe humans cause global warming then you should believe that basically all modern activities contribute to it.

  2. Of course! How dare you pick those poor defenseless apples preventing their seeds from ever growing in to trees that will turn carbon dioxide in to oxygen! But really, eating apple pie is one of the smallest contributions to global warming.  People do more harm by breathing.

  3. i think you should be more worried about your weight;...

  4. That's ridiculous......... of course no

  5. Only if there's ice cream on it, judging from another question I just read.  Seems these days we can't walk down the road without global warming just streaming up from our shoes!  Sheesh!

  6. YES! actually no i don't think it does and nothing causes global warming say "contributes to" instead. i dunno though if u were feeding the pie to a cow then it would make him f**t and that would contribute....

  7. Yum apple pie with a BIG scoop of vanilla ice cream!

  8. Apple pie contains the nutrient, glycognomaphide, which stimulates the production of minuscule lawn gnomes formed within the human large intestine and released with flatulence. These lawn gnomes are propelled into the air and do battle with the good cooling Kirbies, eventually defeating them because they have long pikes and sharp teeth. They then sprout wings and breathe fire, warming the earth.

  9. If you f**t after eating it then

    ~ Yes.

  10. the problems not in eating. the problem is in the exploitation of the earth resorces. how much energy was wasted just to make that pie? can you live without it? how many gallons of fuel did it take to get that pie to the store, how much energy was wasted in a factory just to make it, all of that contributes to global warming. people need to start thinking about what they need and dont need. if you can live without it you dont need it. everything else is just wasteful. especially in the US where we waste everything just for something we want. nobody cares how it effects the enovironment or the planet just as long as you get your apple pie the whole world can be destroyed. americans need to start beieng more responsible and being held responsible for there actions.

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