
Does eating cereal make you fat?

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Does eating cereal make you fat?




  1. If you eat a small bowl for breakfast, it should be fine.... but most cereal is loaded with sugar and carbs; and don't really add anything in the way of nutrition.  A bowl of Cheerios or shredded wheat would be the best choice.......

  2. Cereal, especially whole grain or any NOT coated in sugar is a wonderful thing to eat when watching your weight.

  3. It pretty much depends on how much you eat doesnt it

  4. depends on the cerial and how much you have some are healthy and help loose weight and others are full of shugar and bad for yah like cookies crisps etc

  5. Depends on what you mean by "cereal". If you mean something stuffed with sugar, then it isn't good for you, no! But even then, as long as it wasn't eaten all day and every day, it wouldn't do you that much harm. Try a healthier cereal such as muesli or Bran Flakes (or even just one that has reduced sugar).

  6. If you eat healthy cereal, like Shredded Wheat, it shouldn't make you fat.   But if you eat unhealthy, sugar-coated cereal, or other unhealthy stuff then you will get fat.

    I recently went vegan, lost 38 pounds since March, and feel very healthy.   Just eat healthy.   Period.

  7. You sort of left a blank question there - Do you mean eating in moderation - once in the morning, or do you mean sitting down and eating  a whole box at a time?  Could you be more specific?

  8. All depends....some cereal is very high in sugar and therefore high in fat.  If you eat something like a lot of Total compared to a lot of Fruit Loops it wouldn't....unless you ate like 2 boxes a day

  9. Depends on whether you are eating bran flakes or eating Sugar Smacks.  And any cereal with nuts (like granola) are going to be high in fat.  It also depends on if you are eating the recommended serving or the whole box.  Be reasonable and eating cereal is a perfectly healthy way to get fiber and vitamins in your diet.

  10. if theres alot of sugar and your using whole milk - yes

  11. ANYthing can make you fat if it has calories.

    This would depend on if you're eating it with milk, and what kind of milk.  How much sugar is in your cereal?  Do you add sugar?

    If you stick with low fat or non fat milk and eat a cereal with no or very little sugar added, you shouldn't worry about it too much unless you're eating bowls and bowls of it every day.

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