
Does eating fruits and vegetables out of cans provide the same nutrients as when they are fresh?

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  1. It can be. Although, you should look at the nutrition label to see if it has any added salt or sugar. If it does, try a different brand. Hope that helps!

  2. Fruit and vegetables from a can (as long as it doesn't have heaps of additives/extra sugar) actually has more nutrients. Same with frozen. This is because when fresh fruit/veg is sent to stores then put out, it has been off the tree for a few days and isn't as good as it once was. Frozen and canned however lock in the goodness as soon as it comes off the tree.

    Sorry, i cannot remember where i learned this.

  3. Well, considering it's still a veggie, than yes, it should be nutritious.

    But consider this:

    Canned foods are full of preservatives and sugars (yes, there is sugar in those green beans). Preservatives can be fungus's specifically grown to preserve food. So while eating those sugar coated green beans, you could also be eating a fungus. Needless to say, sugar and preservatives are bad for you.

    So go ahead, eat those green beans from a can. Just remember to say hi to the sugar and fungus's.  

  4. No

  5. As far as I've heard, the canning process generally involves certain techniques that remove or degrade many nutrients.  I know for sure that canned tuna for instance contains far fewer vitamins and minerals although I believe the protein levels wouldn't be affected as they're locked in.  On the other hand, canned whole sardines lose less because they're whole.

    As regards fruit and vegetables. I could only find studies from biased sources (the canning companies) that showed no loss.  Here's the reply to a similar question by a nutritionist who uses corn as an example.

    However even if they contained the same nutrients, you would also be wise to watch out for whether they're preserved in sugar or whether they've got the skin on, which is itself a particularly rich source of fibre and other nutrients.

  6. No..definitely not.

    see the source below

  7. only and ONLY if you like pork and beans!!!!

    you see, the nutrients from the pork and the beans has a nuclear reaction in your tummy and then it just blows up the fat!!

    also, it helps to eat them while playing the harp and running at a speed of EXACTLY 2.921 miles per hour.

  8. No, canned fruit has way too much sugar in there to preserve it. It is better to go with fresh fruit :). Vegetables don't have as much sugar, but there are still preservatives in there. Always go with fresh.

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