
Does eating microwaved popcorn really give you cancer?

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I make a bag of mircowaved popcorn almost everyday and I have heard rumors that it can give you cancer, is this true? thanks.




  1. Honestly, these days, what can't give you cancer? You can even get skin cancer from spending too much time outside in the sun.

    But no, I very seriously doubt microwaved popcorn can give you cancer

  2. There has been consistent evidence showing a link between the butter flavoring used in microwave popcorn and lung cancer. This is reasonably well established though the chemical industry contests the finding. The chemical industry challenges whether the proof in humans is sufficient. But that fact that workers in popcorn factories are developing this cancer and the other evidence from animal tests suggest that this is much more than coincidence. You can draw your own conclusions, but I think one has to be pretty optimistic to think it is not cancer causing.

    I have some links below

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