
Does education count for anything?

by Guest10870  |  earlier

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Since when does an education not count? Last I checked Obama is the most educated and intelligent nominee we have had on either side of the isle in a long time....compared to a sports caster and a guy that graduated in the bottom 3% of his class 100 years ago....

Experience ALONE is not enough to brag about...I would prefer the leader of the free world to be intelligent as well.




  1. Intelligence and education don't necessarily have anything to do with each other. And the bottom 3% of McCain's class at Annapolis is still well within the top 1% of the general population. I know people say he only got in because of his dad, but plenty don't make it through, and one could argue Obama went to Harvard only because of Affirmative Action. Just as experience alone is not enough to brag about, education alone certainly isn't either.

  2. I agree . . .

  3. Reading and writing cannot hold a candle to real life experience.

  4. You can be a genius, and still be an Idiot. Some people just don't have good common sense. That is something you either have or you don't. You can not get it from any book. And Obama doesn't have the good sense God gave him, because he pissed it all away. Spending 20 years in a Racist White America Hating Church is proof of that.

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