
Does either obama or mccain believe in the biblical account of creation...?

by Guest63729  |  earlier

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... is it important to you that a candidate believe in literal creation, or evolution, or not at all important?




  1. Actually, I think it speaks very poorly of the mentality of this country for anyone to think that our country could solve it's problems (a never ending war, rising numbers of people without healthcare, a failing economy, underfunded schools-the list goes on) by electing someone based on the fact that he/she believes in a literal interpretation of the bible.  And, by the way, our current president (you, know-the one who is responsible for most of this mess) claims to be a Christian and look where that has gotten us.

  2. IF Obama thinks that such a belief would win your vote, he would say "of course".

    McCain never mentions it to my understanding, thought Palin would like to see Intelligent Design be taught as an alternate to "luck".

    BTW, which is harder to believe, God doing it or spontaneous generation of life from mud?  

    Evolutionist have the greater faith, LOL.

  3. Evolution is a fact.  Just go into a Christian church and ask how many people believe that if they do not take all of their antibiotics the bacteria may become resistant?

    GASP that's evolution!

    To answer your question, I'm not sure if either candidate believes in "intelligent design".

  4. Let's be real.

    Obama panders to secularist and the scientific community

    McCain panders to extreme believers

    You can't become president and question the bible.

    I am a secularist.

    At this point I think McCain would say he believes in an exact biblical account, that or he can dodge the issue like Obama.

    Stop calling creationism a theory. When you do that you show your total lack of understanding in regards to the scientific model, and you change the actual meaning of what a theory is.

    Creationism is a hypothesis-Pose some answerable questions and show us some hard data and you become a theory. Evolution was a hypothesis that now is a theory.

    Our schools are really doing a bang up job?

    When society can come to a universal interpretation of the bible you will have at least half a leg to stand on.

  5. Anyone who thinks some invisible person in the sky (that was made up to explain that which couldn't be explained at the time, before science really came to be) created everything as we see it today is an idiot who doesn't deserve to be President.  I don't think McCain raised his hand in those Republican debates way back when, but I can't remember.  Likewise with someone who interprets the Bible as a factual account of history, when in fact all it is is a collection of fictional stories (and not even original ones at that) meant to teach morals.

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