
Does electronic rodent repellants work?

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  1. As far as I know, none of these devices have any effective control over rodents, insects, or other pests.  From the wiki article at the link below:  

    Cockroaches initially respond to electronic pest control devices by moving about a bit more than usual, but don't appear overly eager to escape from the sound waves. This includes devices that emit uniform frequency as well as changing frequencies of ultrasound. Rodents adjust to the ultrasound (or any new sound) and eventually ignore it. At best, ultrasonic waves have only a partial or temporary effect on rodents. Numerous studies have rejected ultrasonic sound as a practical means of rodent control.

    Ultrasound has not been shown to drive rodents from buildings or areas, nor has it been proven to cause above normal mortality in rodent populations. Some people that have used them claim that they work for them, so we cannot rightfully say that should never be used, but the evidence points toward these devices not being worth the money, time or effort.

  2. It emits a high frequency sound that only rodents can hear and they leave the premises and as far as I can tell it works well.  

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