
Does email address matter when applying for a job?

by Guest59789  |  earlier

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Please settle this! My 17 year old son thinks that it is okay when applying for a job to use his current email address which is similar to I think he should use something more appropriate such as his name or initials and last name. I tell him that he will be judged by the email and perhaps will be passed up for the job. What do you think?




  1. I don't think it makes a difference what your personal email address is (unless it's really offensive).

  2. Providing an e-mail address when applying for jobs is optional. I think if your son intends on using an e-mail address for the jobs in which he is applying for, he should use something a little more professional. Something that perhaps has his first initial and last name or something of the like. Also, I think people only use your e-mail address to look up your myspace or other sites you may have joined. They can find out what kind of person you are and see if THEY think you are a suitable match for the position in which you are applying.

  3. Yes, your personal email address matters.  What is a prospective boss going to think when he looks at a resume for an accountant or an engineer or a teacher, and sees an email address of "hothornygirl4u"?  That resume is going in the toss pile pretty danged quick.

    Any email address that indicates a hobby or interest could give a potential employer a reason to skip over the applicant.  "HarleyGuy"?  Nice, but what if the company where you're interviewing or the person making the decision has a bad impression of Harley owners?  "MaryKayLadyinChicago"?  Okay, fine, but what if the company you want to work for has a policy against its employees having outside employment, even for things like Tupperware or Mary Kay or Home Interiors?  "Dadof12kids"?  You've just told a potential employer that your health care expenses are going to be through the roof.

    Everyone should have an email address that is professional and conservative that they use on job applications and the like.  Don't give a potential employer a reason to not hire you before they ever meet you.

  4. I think that will depend on what type job he is applying for. If it is manual labor it probably won't matter. An office job would probably best to use an appropriate address.

    Good luck on your job!

  5. No, I don't think email address matters when applying for a job as emails are personal. When he is confirmed with the company, the company will normally provide him with an 'official' email address. So don't worry too much over a trivial matter.


  6. It depends on the job he is applying for. But it is true that to make sure you can kno by the employer is make your full name to be your e-mail address and make short e-mail add to remind easily!

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