
Does emfs have an effect on animals?

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I'm doing a project on 'emfs' and am wondering if their are any reports out there to suggest that animals have been affected by emfs as a result of being in a close proximity to pylons. Sad I know but someone has to do it!!!




  1. Nothing credible.

    Birds regularly perch on high voltage power lines.  Birds are delicate creatures, and how many times have you heard the "canary in the mine" analogy to why we should pay close attention to any environmental issues with birds.

    So if power lines were harmful, birds would be keeling over all over the place.

    They don't.

    Because of lawsuits, power companies have studied this issue a lot to find any correlation of power lines to human illness, and can't find anything statistically significant.  People are also animals.

  2. EMF physically affects all living organisms. The more complicated the organism-the more complicated the damage can be.

    I've never seen any reasearch on animals, but I've been trained in the effects on humans and have seen some pretty bizarre EMF accidents.

    Do a search on Google or Yahoo on "electromagnetic field and health effects." You'll be amazed at what comes up.

    Animals are affected pretty much the same way people are.

    EMF works on living tissue on a cellular level. It can cause leaukemia, cancer and a bunch of other problems depending upon the proximity to the EMF/RF source and the duration and power level of the exposure.

    Then there's the thermal effects of EMF/RF. (This is exactly how the microwave oven works). RF (Radio Frequency) energy, such as what emanates from an AM broadcasting tower or RADAR dish is just EMF with an attitude.  I've read reports of guys being cooked from inside out by that stuff.

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