
Does enery drinks actually give you energy?

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Does enery drinks actually give you energy?




  1. Yes. The caffeine in it makes you hyper, but then you get a "crash", which makes you feel worse. Some drinks have taurine/guarana in it, which speeds up the caffeine through your body.

  2. ya and it helps me lose weight!

  3. No, they use a common stimulant like caffeine. This does not give you energy, they use sugar for that but you should be getting energy from complex carbohydrates in wholemeal bread and cereal.

  4. No....

  5. Energy drinks do give you energy but the energy comes from the sugar.

  6. Yes, They are good. Here is the best energy drink which provides energy, endurance, mental alertness and enhanced motor performance.

  7. they do absalutly nothing for me

  8. The energy just comes from a syrup of sugar & caffeine.

    Most taste horrid.

    You can get the same so-called short lived "energy" kick from a cup of coffee with sugar.

    Considering the cost these "new" drinks'd be better off getting a regular caffeinated coffee or soft drink.

    Same kick...half the price...better tasting..

  9. yes they do. they make you hyper and awake for a while but then you crash when the caffeine and sugar wear off.

  10. I never noticed much of a difference though I do use them.

    I take plenty of supplements which are not only organic but pharmasuedicl grade and use the highest level of ingredients in it. This high level ingredients make means it is more efficient for the body to use and not the cheapest thing they could get their hands on.

    I also drink plenty of water during the day. Getting enough water can increase your motabolism and energy levels by 3%. Because of the vitamins and water I don't need energy drinks regularly or notice too much of a difference because of the way I use them.

    I use them if I get less than 6 hours of sleep or before a workout. Even then I only use the ones that supply B vitamins and not sugar and caffeine. With little sleep I take one right away to help get me going within 15 minutes. During that time I will shower then make breakfast. At breakfast I will then take my vitamins which include a multi B complex. Since this can be a good half hour after waking up and with all of the other food in my stomach I am already using the B vitamins from the energy drink.

    Again I also use one before a work out. I also drink 2 glasses of water before a workout. Most of it get released through sweat so I don't over heat. After words I have a sports drink and more water. I do it just in case but don't know for certain if it really works. I have never actually tried to compare one day of not using them to another of using them. And I won't bother either. I am satisfied with how I use my supplements and energy drinks.

  11. yea...but you feel like **** afterwards

  12. mayb dey do!!!!!!

  13. kinda sucks away your breath if you play a sport straight after

  14. Yes its true, But it run of way easy to fast.

    Best to eat to get your energy, yes breakfast is the way to go it holds you energy for way long

    get eating mate for your energy

    or i suggest gaderaid it will crunch your thirst and + energy is add'

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