
Does englands free medical care include dentistry?

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bc all british people have bad teeth so i wonder? or do they just have bad dentists?




  1. since there so called Health Care is a failure and a whole lot of people that can afford too, comes to US to get their serious health problems tended too, I would guess they would need dentures by the time they waited out there waiting period to be seen. I know it takes sometime six months to a year to even get something as simple as a gall bladder removed, they have to be on a waiting list, and do not care how much pain a person is in. This is why I an totally against all the Health care con jobs that the politicians are trying to convince us we need,  it will be the worse thing that could happen.

  2. This is one of those sly little racist digs that I hate. You can talk big over the Internet, but in real life, you're a little f*ggot.

    We don't all have bad teeth. It's a stereotype, like the "all Americans are fat, greedy oil tycoons" if we all believed that, we'd be thick! So why do you believe the lying Press?

  3. we have bad teeth and get free healthcare (well, if you really really need it it's free, otherwise it's just subsidised), so imagine what the americans who actually have to pay look like when they open their mouths after all that junk food they eat.....

  4. Yes, England's medical plan includes dentistry. However, 68% of the people of England have never been to a dentist because they can't get an appointment.

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