
Does ethenol fuel rust the insides of cars?

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Does ethenol fuel rust the insides of cars?




  1. there are three things wrong with ethanol:

    1.  fuel mpg decreases with ethanol

    2.  ethanol produces more air pollution than gas

    3.  increased ethenol production has resulted in  

         an increase in food prices.

    ethenol is a total fraud

  2. I agree with the 1st poster.

    4.  Its corrosive and will destroy your fuel system if its not made for ethanol.

  3. Just saw an article in the LA Times yesterday.  Whole bunch of boat owners are filing a class action suit because the ethanol in California gasoline is eating right through their fibreglas gas tanks.

  4. Not if you put it in the gas tank where it belongs.

    As is well known to those skilled in the art, fuel compositions typified by gasohol and alcohols which are to be considered for commercial use must possess low corrosion activity; and this may be effected by addition thereto of various corrosion inhibition systems. It is an object of this invention to provide a fuel composition for internal combustion engines particularly characterized by corrosion inhibition. Other objects will be apparent to those skilled in the art.

  5. Ethanol doen't produce more harmfull by products,  it is no more caustic/oxidizing than gas.

    Its just highly inefficient and costs allot to make,

    Well whys it cheaper? you might ask because everyone one wants it its the wave of the future doesn't harm the enviornment yadda yadda yadda.

    But these noble sentiments aside no one including eveyone reading this would use it unless it was significantly lower priced than gas and anyone who says otherwise isn't lying to me. Your a hypocrite and your lying to yourself shame on you!

  6. No it will not rust anything on your car

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