
Does ethnic cleansing, mass extermination provide the most likely explanation of neandertal decline?

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Does ethnic cleansing, mass extermination provide the most likely explanation of neandertal decline?




  1. tigger is correct, they died out because lack of intelligence, they couldn't compete with kromagnon man, i think i spelt that wrong. so i'll just say , modern man.

  2. Neanderthals became extinct in Europe approximately 24,000 years ago....oh DUMUS FUKUS!!!!!

  3. It was not ethnic cleansing as pointed out by others... because neanderthals are an extinct species and NOT a racial group. The main reason why they became extinct is explained by the theory of natural selection. Although they were physically superior to homo sapiens(our ancestors) they were generally less intelligent. As a result they lost their hunting grounds were pushed out of their habitat. This les to their eventual decline which resulted in ultimate extinction, unless of course you are the last Neanderthal! lol

  4. Most archaeologists think it was a combination of competition with modern humans, interbreeding, and a very rapid climate change that the Neanderthals could not cope with.

  5. No neaderthals died out because the species that became pman bred into it or they died out because they were less intelligent and couldnt compete with the species that became man

    Ethnic leansing is killing off a particular race because of the way they look or because of their beliefs.

  6. No.  There is no/little evidence in the skeletal remains of "mass extermination" amongst neandertals.  We know that modern humans co-existed at the same TIME as neandertals.  We also know that neandertals were intelligent, possibly had an extensive symbolic system (burial of the dead), though that has been recently attacked, and took care of their elders.  They disappeared because, as others above have noted, they slowly bred into modern homo sapiens. Maybe. We dont know for sure.

  7. I thought it was the ice age

  8. Reckon so.

  9. In truth, all theories aside, we really don't know the reason they disappeared as a species.  They were physically stronger; had bigger brains, but recent findings show it is now likely they could not communicate, speak, as it were, like we can.  Perhaps not being able to speak lead to their extinction.  We just don't know.

  10. Neanderthals were not able to adapt to changing adverse conditions ~25,000 years ago either environmentally or competitively with modern humans: Ice age and Cro Magnon man or Homo Sapien.

  11. Neantherdal man, was not so stupid has letting others kill his own specie without doing anything. Also he was much more strong than sapiens sapiens, which in hand to hand combat was a big advantage, unless those sapiens would have form a new martial arts, I don't think sapiens could really outsmart enough these to win over them... Just look around you, how many stupid persons you can find, still they are alive today... So the best explaination is interbreeding with the sapiens sapiens...

  12. The most likely answer for the extinction of this species can be observed in our own behaviour today.

    Native Americans , Native Austrailians , people of the south Americian rain forrests to name but a few.

    It would appear we have a great deal of practice at driving peoples out of their traditional homelands and hunting grounds so seeing as we do it to peoples of our own species it is not hard to imagine we could have done the same to another species.

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