
Does every living thing on Earth have a right too life?

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Does every living thing on Earth have a right too life?




  1. I like this question. The answer is, of course, no. Some living things are condidered a bother and killed all the time. Bugs in the house would be an example.

  2. of course it does what has animals done to us.

  3. KT is on the right track. Between ourselves and certain species like ticks, lice, fleas, mites, liver flukes, tapeworms and so on there can only be a state of war. This does not mean that I think we ought to completely exterminate them - only that we have the right to do so when infested by them.

    For vector insects like mosquitoes, the problem is complicated because mosquitoes are eaten by a lot of creatures. The best strategy with mosquitoes is repellents and physical barriers like clothing and mosquito netting (and vaccinations against mosquito borne illnesses).

    As for viruses, why shouldn't we negate their power over us (by vaccination, genetic manipulation, etc.).

    We should respect life. Plants and insects are important, and it is mindless to go around killing all bugs simply because you're paranoid of bugs. And some animals and plants even need our protection.

  4. I think we're allowed to kill bacteria that would make us sick.  Maybe the Earth is saying that about us so we should use herbal cleaning products to clean the bacteria from us.

    I think conscious beings (which could include plants) have a right to only be destroyed with good cause.  Animals can be killed for food but people shouldn't be killed in war.  Plants can be weeded if they are taking over an ecosystem at the expense of food-bearing plants.

  5. A right is somthing made up by people in the wild world no one is intitled to anything. not food not water not shelter... not murder not life. it's hard to explain. but a right is a man made thing like a popcicle stick. but it doesn't mean that they don't have a reason to be alive.

  6. i dont quite get your question...just wondering...

  7. I'm going with a "no" for dust mites, deadly viruses and flesh eating bacteria...although the latter can certainly make for an interesting article on a slow news day!

  8. You mean like the HIV virus ar maybe malaria?


  9. Obviously not: if that were so, wouldn't we live forever?

  10. Not really. Everything eats everything else.

    Death is part of living. If there was no dieing there would be stasis, no life at all. Even the plants need death to happen.

  11. I don't know if they have a "right" to life - evolution/ enviornment  has favored their existence.

    The more important question is do humans have the right to destroy their existence.

  12. No, only humans have rights. Unless you can show me a bill of rights written by an animal, or species.

  13. Any being that feels pain has a right to life

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