
Does every parent have custody papers?

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I was recently looking up the paperwork required for kindergarten registration for my son, and it said that I need to bring in custody papers. Do all parents receive custody papers, or is it only through a divorce do parents need them? I'm still married, and I don't remember signing custody papers. Just a birth certificate. How does this work?




  1. you don't get custody papers when you're still married.

    I have custody of my son, and I don't have any papers for it.

  2. Only if the parents are not together and have custody papers do they want them.  Say you were single and had papers giving you sole custody, then the school could not let the dad have the child or give him any info about the child.  If you had joint custody then he could have access to child and info. It is for the protection of the school, child and parents that they have this.  Being you and your husband is still together, all you probably need is birth certificate, social security card, and shot record.

  3. its when your divorced

  4. no ' birth certificate! only would need one if youve had a court order~!

  5. Only divorced parents have them and only if they can't decide who the child lives with on their own.

  6. I think a birth certificate will suffice in this situation, if you are still married.

  7. Custody papers come with divorce.  That section is only if you've been divorced.

  8. What if you've never been married? What do you do about custody papers then? Seems a birth certificate should suffice.

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