
Does every relationship follow the 'Bell Curve' trajectory ??

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Just to elaborate; does every relationship starts off with a very happy and positive note, a time when every moment is cherished and missed, followed by a phase when it plateau’s and finally it goes down hill and ends. Like a bell curve!!!

Friends I do understand all of you may not agree to this view point, but my main purpose of asking this question to understand, what really makes a relationship work in the long run?? How do couples manage the different phases of a relationship? It is quite natural for two people in a relationship to have difficult times; does it always mean that it has to end??

Friends please share your views and do ‘star’ it which will ensure maximum response from people.

Have a Great weekend ahead :)




  1. The curve you discribed works only for passion in a relationship not the overall quality of the relationship.

  2. When my grandmother was in a nursing home, there was a husband and wife there that were in their 90's, and the woman held the mans hand all day, every day. They had been married 70something years.

    You would really have to love someone to hold their hand all day after 70 years.

  3. Honesty bro.

    and Communication.

    Being real honest makes relationships just as good (maybe better) than your best friend from grade school. Why? Children are very honest! They look real sincere when they apologize.

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