
Does everybody get the opportunity to have s*x at some point in their lives?

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I'm scared that I'm too ugly and too fat for any guy to want to sleep with me. Does everybody get the chance at some point?




  1. I am sorry to hear that you are so down on yourself.

    Instead of worrying about why no one wants to have s*x with you how about working on some nutritional habits and I would suggest some yoga, belly dancing is great for starters. This might help your self-esteem.

    You do not say how old you are? Every one will find a suitable sexual partner in their life but a sexual partner is not the only thing you should be looking for, you are looking for a person who loves you for who you are not just for s*x.

  2. don't know how old you are but you really shouldn't worry about it . Alot of people ending up having s*x for the sake of it because they think like that and get it while its on offer ..honestly with some men it doesn't matter what you look like.  but you should respect yourself more and think you re worthy of a guy having you . Then you ll know that it's the right time an you want it for the right reasons whatever they are in your values .  

  3. Oh hun, everybody thinks there uglier then they are. And i have seen some of the UGLIEST, FATTEST girls, with really cute guys, and i used to get jealous, lol, i was like why is that 400 pound lady with that fine guy, lol. But it goes to show you, it's not the outside that is important it's the inside that counts. There are very pretty skinny girls out there and the second they open there mouth and say sumthin, there are truly ugly, and alot of guys see that.  My step sister is 250 pounds and not cute at all, but she is very nice, and actually is a s**t, lol. and she has 2 boyfriends. so looks don't really mean anything. Just wait and the right person will come along eventually!

  4. Yeah. Look at Rosie O'Donell and Roseanne. There's someone for everyone.

  5. yea thier alot mmmore ugly pepole out their in the world than pretty and evry1 is ugly at one point r another and i mean if u dnt feel comfortable with ur weight u can do it n the dark!!

  6. i'm certain that you'll have many opportunities to have s*x, fall in love, and experience the wonders of life.  it just may not seem that way right now.  somebody will love you for who you are inside, not for the way you look.

  7. some do some dont.

    you will if you want to.

    some guys love super obese people(like 500 pounds or 400 or so)

    but you will.

    some people dont b/c they dont find the right person or a nun or something.

    every guy is different.

    good luck  

  8. DONT ever say that about yourself. You are beautiful and and every woman is. And you will get plenty of chances. Respect your self and your beauty and only do it with some one you really care about. One thing that every person has to believe is they are beautiful and you have to be confident. And just because some loser boy tries to have s*x with you doesnt mean you have to. You will have plenty of chances in life.

  9. your not ugly or fat and of course you will get the chance :)

  10. I think everyone eventually gets the opportunity to have s*x in their lives. Some may take it, and some may not (time/person not "right"). Looks arent everything, and most people find someone who loves them for who they are, attractive or not.

  11. Most likely yes

  12. If you really think that you are too fat and too ugly for any guy to fancy you, then do something about it, try to eat sensibly and excersise, get your hair done a different way maybe, put some make-up on really tastefully. BUT really, let me tell you something, beauty is only skin deep, i bet you have  TERRIFIC personality deep down, use it,There is somebody out there in the place for everyone,Another thing, why do a lot of women think straightaway, about the fact that any man only thinks about sleeping with a woman, dont they think that men feel the same way as women do sometimes.and that they worry if their not good enough too.Everyone of us are just human, some ordinary looking, some absolutly gorgeous.We all cant help the body we were given, make the best of it, enjoy life, that,s what it,s there for. Chin up, get out there and live life to the full. Remember its the personality that attracts, not the looks. good luck in your life honey.

  13. yeah everybody gets their own chance, ther's this fat and ugly girl in my class, wel she dresses slu tty  bitc.hie and she goes after guys, so almost avery single guy in my class has slept with her, she was in love with my boyfriend, and she begged him to have s*x, he didnt accept, but when he wasnt my bf she begged to do sumehtin and he accepted but said no in the last minute lol, cause he was a virgin, any ways I think i made my point. n theres this cute guy in my class and that ugly fat girl slept with him . first I was lik omg!! u dont need to b slu t ty but everybody get chance for s*x  

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