
Does everybody in Yahoo! been in the Vienna? And who wants to see it?

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Vienna is very beautiful and quick with his Underground!




  1. I was in Bratislava two summers ago, so we decided to take the train and spend the day in Vienna. We only had about 8 hours there, but the public transport was so great we saw most of the major sites. The butterfly house, Salvador Dali exhibition and Habsburg palace were all worth the visit. The city centre was class as well- I would love to go back and spend longer there. Being into history it was also fascinating to be in some of the places that played such a pivotal role inearly European affairs, places i had only read about in school a few years before.

  2. I live in Bavaria, Germany, and I have been to Vienna many times.  It's only 3-4 hours from my house.

  3. I was in Vienna with my girlfriend in May. We stayed in the second district which is just north of the centre. I proposed on the big Ferris Wheel they have there. My girlfriend loved the trams, the parks and the general just mooching around looking at everything. They also have amazing ice creams. It is very expensive though. The Stephansdom is alright for a visit, the roof outside though is better to look at. We also went to the palace and learned about the princess who became a queen. Elizabeth I think, or Grace, or someone. I was not that interested but my partner thought is was great. Also went and saw the Lippinzer horses, well worth a visit. The tram is the best way to travel, buy the 72 hour travel card, definately worth it. Plus, if coming from the airport, don't get the CAT train, it is 16 Euro's. The slower train, about 40 mins, compared to 25-30 on the CAT, cost 3 Euros. Vienna is well worth a visit, would recommned it to anyone, plus most spoke English and were really friendly.

  4. I havent been there, but I would love to go....

  5. I worked in Vienna for a few months while at university and loved it, especially the floating trampolines over the danube, and the fab trapeeze they had up for the Donauinsel Fest, plus, y'know, all the great history and art. And the shopping. And the ice cream! People heading over, you HAVE to go to Schwedenplatz and have the ice cream from the place next to McDonalds. It's to die for.

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