
Does everybody put there hands over there hearts for there national anthem or just americans?

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Does everybody put there hands over there hearts for there national anthem or just americans?




  1. Some do, some don't...every country is different.

    The hand over the heart is a sign of respect and allegiance toward the greatest country on the planet.

    I'm talking about the United States of America, of course.

  2. Not in Canada

  3. Most American's should put their hands over their hearts. Its a form of respect for our country. Although alot of people don't. I guess cause they think its dumb or just plainly don't care. I do everytime im anywhere that the song is being played.

  4. well...they should its a way to show respect and showing you love america! Like a real american!

  5. well im braziian and we do it too....

    but i know that MEXICO dont do that

    they do a diferent moviment auhaua im not maerican sorry is hard to explain ,... but loos a lot like the nazism ...(IM NOT TELLING THEY ARE HEIL HITLER PLZ DONT GET MEM WRONG )


  6. It varies. I lived in Japan for eight years. When "Kimigayo" was played people stood at attention. Some even sang the lyrics.  

  7. not even all Americans do that

  8. not everyone does it. if you live in america your "suppose" to do it. i do sometime, but dont bother saying the anthem. being proud of our country? yea right. the people who fought for this country doesnt ive anymore and the ones now are doing nothing to help us americans.

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