
Does everyone feel lonely their first few weeks in college?

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In high school I was very involved, student council, head cheerleader, etc. but now I've started college and I am a nobody for the first time since 5th grade. I live in a dorm with strangers and my classes are full of strangers. Does everyone feel this way? How long does it take to adjust to living away from home for the first time?




  1. I remember sobbing in my sleep every night cus I was so lonely. I couldn't fit in with people easily, I was so quiet and introversive so i had to cope months alone without a company. sucks huh?

    I guess you are not alone about being lonely either in college or in general in life.  

  2. yes and I was a mature student with a family of my own at home. I thought all the younger ones were doing really well till later on when they said how it was for them too. It takes till someone asks you to have a coffee with them and you start to get used to the structure.

    On my course half of us were mature students and it was a really nice dynamic we actually had lots of respectful inter-relationships with the younger students.  Moaning about tutors and workload and how you never get to the library stacks before the books are snatched is a good bonding exercise. Lurk in the coffee bar and smile at people they are all pretty lonely.  

  3. yah

  4. The ants are just as afraid of you as you are of them, kid.

    Just remember that most people aren't going to remember you and you aren't going to remember most of them.

  5. yeah, not the same, is it? that's what high school students should realize: the social status you achieved in high school means nothing but c**p when you get to college. well, it shouldn't take that long to not feel lonely. don't expect to be the most popular person though. all you have to do is not be full of yourself. be a chill person and don't be afraid to talk with your dormmates. start out with stuff like where they're from and what they did. if you have something in common or are interested in knowing more about something they did then try to engage in a conversation about it. it shouldn't take long to fit in.  

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