
Does everyone forget who played on the Lightning's second line last year?

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Michelle Ouellet? Jussi Jokinen? Matheiu Darche? JAN HLAVAC? Why can some accuse the Lightning of over-loading on offense? When Richards left, the second line was NON-EXSISTANT! Now with a line of Rolston(crossing fingers)Stamkos-Malone, THAT'S a second line.

Oh, and to those claiming the Bolts still don't have strong d or a goalie...

"We're not done yet."

-Len Barrie





  1. Congrats on the good offseason TBL. When I woke up and heard about Rolston I was shocked. I think you guys are now loaded somewhat on offense......Lecavalier, St. Louis, Prospal, Stamkos, Rolston (maybe), Roberts, Malone.

    Just need a little bit of D. I don't think getting a goalie is needed. I think Mike Smith is going to be decent. Like I've stated before though a VET. Goaltender wouldn't be a bad idea.

  2. congrats. maybe we'll be seeing u in the Finals next year instead of the penguins again

  3. You guys better get someone between those pipes......5 - 6 is still a loss!!!!

  4. Okay, here come the head noogies…I know who you are talking to, stinker!  

    The Halpen, Oulett, Darche second line was freaking awesome together.  I have no idea what you are talking about. They had chemistry.  After draft day (in the regular season), Halepn WAS the player that made the most statistical impact on his new team.  Now, I know Halpen is injured right now due to the Worlds, but this is my point…so hear me out:

    The Lighting have Boyle, one of the most offensive defenseman in the league.  I know he was injured most of last season, but he is just as good defensively, as he is offensively.  Same with Ranger…he is getting his pace in the league, and often will sway from the blue line to make “the big play”.  Now with the combination of Vinny, St. Louis, Halpen (if he is ready to play), Craig (if he is ready to play), Oulett, and now the signings of Malone AND Robert (whom is soon to be expired anyhow)…I just don’t see when we will have guys willing to sit at the blue-line, and keep the puck out of our zone.  I swear if the re-sign Janik…I am going to lose much faith in the new management’s game plan…but I’m just trying to stay optimistic, and hope for a fun new season.

    LMAO @ Lity!

  5. This is going to be the lightning's 2nd line.





    St. Louis-Vinny-Prospal

    Watch to see is Len and Oren put a offer at Hossa or Cambell. I bet they will attempt to.

  6. I think it was Jussi Jokinen, Jeff Halpern and Michelle Ouellet near the end of last year and at the start I think it was Michelle Ouellet, Jan Hlavac and Mathieu Darche. But, that is a very weak line if your considering it as a 2nd line. But that would be an amazing 2nd line, Rolston-Stamkos-Malone. I think the Lightning can be a playoff contender next year!

  7. TB did you expect the owner to say "Yeah were done making moves and deals for the year" and its not even July 1st yet.EVERY owner or GM is going to say were not done yet.That second line,two guys are not even signed yet and Stamkos who knows?

    EDIT-Ok gotcha TB.News to me.

  8. I don't know if we will hold on to Rolston...he would be better to keep than Roberts....we are going to use one of them as a bargaining chip to pick up a nice D-man.  I think we need 2.

    As for, Malone-Stamkos-Ouellet/Jokinen maybe.  Rolston, if we are lucky enough to keep him, will be second line with Prospal

    Still rumors of us talking to Huet, Kolzig, and Emery.  Some are basically saying Emery is ours already...I don't really like that 100% but his style does fit in with ours.

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