
Does everyone have psychic abilities?

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I've heard this before. Does everyone have them? Some more then others? how can i get in tune with them more? thanks




  1. If you think about it, psychics really need science. There is no other way to rid the very real possibility of self-deception. Few bother to take a simple but strict double blind test that could easily confirm.

    Until someone proves (under control conditions) any type of ability, no one is a psychic. So far there lots of people that "think" they are. But there is a million dollars still waiting for the first person to deliver. Make some history.

  2. I have deja-vus sometimes...

  3. Hi Hazel

    Everyone has psychic tendencies and intuition and whatever else . They are just not aware of it and / or they are materialistic in nature which would account for an undeveloped awareness.

    Meditation and Yoga will make you more aware, more spiritual, more detached from the material side . As long as you are attached to the material side of life, you will never get attune to the spiritual psychic and intuitive side.

    It's like a musician who is gifted but it not interested inmusic and prefers to listen to it. But if he were to pick up the instrument, he / she would discover and develop the latent talent.

    Edit....Aspico.... I used to teach and belonged to Silva Mind Control.  What a coincidence of meeting someone who studied this.

    You can teach anybody anything if they have the desire to.

    Edit...Reyes. Good observation . You couldn't have said it better.

  4. Everyone has them to some degree... some stronger than others... meditation helps to make you more aware of your abilities... but you can usually find psychic workshops that help you develop what abilities you have.

    I was helped by taking a course called Silva Mind Control. Google it if you're curious...

  5. lol, everyone has psi abilities in their minds, some people are born with a stronger connection to those abilities, and some are mindf*ucked so much that they have shut off the connection to these abilites.  Just look up how to develop them.  I'm not saying that if you learn how to develop them you will be able to see the future, I'm just saying that if you exercise the part of the mind that controls these things then you can control them, for some people, they can work on it for minutes and notice their abilities expanding, some work on it for years and can't get anywhere.  Just depends who you are

  6. astrology wise

    pisces and scorpios are physic

    but non-astrology wise,

    people with a nearly death experience can see ghosts, future

    or even the mentally ill, but who are we to believe them?

  7. sometimes people just get dejavu and then they think they are psychic . if you want to get in tune with them just try memory games so that you will remember what happened to you in the past.

    hope this helps XD

  8. The answer to your question is no ; but if you are talking about intuition ; yes every body has it ; and for some its more open

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